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Give something back to Mother Earth, help clean up Red Rock Canyon

The Trails and Open Space Coalition and the nonprofit organization UpaDowna are hosting an Earth Month Cleanup and hike in Red Rock Canyon Open Space at 10 a.m. Sunday (April 21).

From the TOSC website: UpaDowna is a local nonprofit dedicated to getting everyone off the couch and outside, regardless of age or ability. We're excited to partner with them for one of their Third Sunday Adventures--Earth Month Edition! Bring the kids and help us pick up trash and close social trails in Red Rock Canyon Open Space, starting at 10 am this Sunday, April 21st. UpaDowna is providing snacks; we'll bring the trash bags! After the cleanup we will take a short hike to explore some of the beauty of Red Rock Canyon Open Space.

Wear long pants, and close-toed shoes, glasses or sunglasses to protect your eyes from tree branches that we'll be moving onto the social trails, sunscreen and a hat. Bring work gloves, and a refillable water bottle; we'll have a cooler there for you to fill up.

Meet us in the Red Rock Canyon Open Space parking lot. Going west on Highway 24, pass 31st Street, then look on the left for the parking lot at Ridge Road. Turn left into the parking lot, then left again and follow the lot all the way around. We will be in the parking are furthest to the left and back.

Views: 132

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