Spring has sprung, the trails are thawed, and to all of you trail-running junkies out there, that can only mean one thing: trail racing.
Saturday, April 14th will see Cheyenne Mountain State Park open its trails for the Xterra Trail Run. The gun will go off at 8 a.m. and the course features both a 12k and 24k's worth of steep ascents, descents, tricky footing, and, depending on the fickle weather a Colorado springtime has to offer, mud, snow, and who knows what else? It's a trail-runner's dream and sure to whet your appetite for some summer racing.
Sponsored by the Jack Quinn's Running Club, Pikes Peak Sports, and the Boulder Running Company, bring in your race bib to the BRC for an O'Dell Brewing Company sponsored post-race party and some sweet deals at 10 a.m. as part of the BRC's Trail Days. Who says that's too early for a beer garden?
So spike up and get ready. Log onto www.active.com for registration and enter promo code JACKQUINNZ. For more information, contact Shawn Finley at shawnfinley78@yahoo.com.