It was a beautiful and glorious day at the Garden of the Gods 10 miles Run Everything from today want great no delays, no bears and no problems better from last year. Thank to my Achilles friend Melissa for being with me on my side during the race this morning and also a special thanks to the Mighty Marmots (Triple Crown Runners). Lots of people comes to run around the Gods this morning. I stayed in a nice easy pace of the race, there is different aids station along the way, a bagpipes, want around the balanced rock, lots of big hills, a beautiful view and to the finish line at Rock Ledge Ranch my time was 1:35:14. At one race down the next race for the triple crown challenge is in July 8,2018 at Cheyenne Mountain State Park for the (Summer Roundup Trail Half Marathon) Wish me luck and #RunMattRun 

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