
From Palmer Park to Barr Trail, Cheyenne Canyon to the Garden of the Gods, we're very lucky to have this network of trails. Post your photos and tell us about your adventures. Click "START DISCUSSION" to your stories/photos.
  • Debbie Rhuby

    Does anyone know what is happening at the Barr Trail parking lot this week? They are closing it off to all vehicles for a week starting tomorrow (Monday).
  • Pikes Peak Sports

    Barr Trail parking lot closed for a week?
    Note to self, avoid that area for one week. Waldo and Cheyenne Canyon are nice this time of year. :)
    We'll keep an ear to the ground for you, Debbie. Should know tomorrow. If anybody else hears something, shout it out.
  • Rob Lucas

    I looked at the sign on the cones Thursday when I did the Incline. It said they're doing repairs to Hydro street. It is in pretty bad shape.
  • Robert Mitchell

    Last weekend I did the Lilly Lake Trail. We lost trail a few times, but stuck with the creek and found our way. Few areas were pretty washed out and muddy, I believe that's the reason for the confusion ;) REWARD beautiful views of Lindsey, California, and Blanca
  • Mark Maloney

    I've climbed several 14ers, to include Mt. Whitney-this year (top 4 in the contiguous U.S.) Hope to make my second attempt on Yale next month (got drenched and had to do a U turn on my first go at it). Hope to make a contribution down the line and hopefully pick up some good information from others.
  • Kraig Sullivan

    I recently returned from a 300 mile section hike on the Appalachian Trail from North Carolina to Georgia thru the Smoky Mountains. Interested in finding out if other locals have sectioned the AT or completed a thru-hike...also interested in local hikes for fall...
  • Rob Lucas

    I'll be at the Manitou Incline meeting tonight. They've put together a good draft but there are a few things I don't agree with. My thoughts are here
  • Matt Payne

    Good write-up Rob. I'm not sure I agree or disagree on the proposal, but it is good to see that discussions are happening.
  • Matt Payne

    That's quite a backpack Angie! Just to clarify, you want to hike from Colorado Springs all the way to Delta? For starters, you're going to want to get a program called TOPO! for your computer and the Colorado TOPO! maps as well. Otherwise, a good set of Trails Illustrated and/or USGS quads will serve you well I suppose. That's a huge route, so my concern would be food and water. Water can be easy if you plan ahead on your route, food... eh.. may need to make several stops on the way. Long story short - plan your trip ahead of time carefully!
  • Matt Payne

    Yeah, well not many people do hikes like this :-) I actually have the TOPO! program on my computer. Maybe if I get bored tonight I'll plot out a route and shoot it to you via .jpg. Let me know. You can contact me via my website.