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New Triathlon Program to Start at the Garden Ranch YMCA

Hey Triathletes! 

Below is a link to a flyer with information about a brand new triathlon program I am starting up at the Garden Ranch YMCA. The program is available to members and non-YMCA members, and will be geared for all levels.
We will start mainly with swim sessions and one "dry land" session where we'll work on strength routines, recovery, injury prevention, running form, and other topics of interest. As the program gains momentum we would certainly add spins and/or rides and specific running workouts.
Even if you don't want to compete in triathlon, but perhaps would like to swim with a group, you could sign up for the swim-only portion of the program. This is for all levels of athlete - brand new to triathlon or experienced.
Let me know if you have any questions about the program, and please forward this information along to anyone who might be interested. Because I am starting this program from scratch, if you have any ideas on what kinds of sessions and topics you would like covered, please drop me a note!
More details are in the flyer, but swim sessions are available M&F at 5:45AM, and W at 7:15PM
The dry land session is Tu at 6:45PM. The planned start date is Monday, February 3rd so sign up today!
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    Nicole Odell

    Hi everyone! Just a reminder about the awesome tri program that is going to start on Monday 2/3. Pre-registration is needed, so just call the Garden Ranch YMCA at 593-9622 or swing by their front desk to sign up today! It's open to members and non-members.

    Every level of triathlete will get a great workout, and I'd love to see you there!

    --Coach Nicole

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      Nicole Odell

      Hi there triathletes!, just another follow up about the tri program: Here's a link to the flyer.

      The initial options are to sign up for two swims a week or two swims and one dryland session (strength, running, recovery techniques, etc). We're starting small so and hope to build this into a really great triathlon program! I work with athletes of all levels, from beginner to very experienced and all are welcome. Everyone will get an appropriate workout to their fitness!

      We've got a lot of flexibility to grow this program so if you have any thoughts or suggestions on what you would like to see in a triathlon program, please let me know - I'd love to hear from you!

      All you need to do give the Garden Ranch YMCA a call at 719-593-9622 if you are interested in signing up. We didn't quite get enough to start this week, so if we get a few more to sign up tomorrow (by ~noon) we'll start next week with a modified rate. Even if you can't start in February, you can let them know you are interested for March so we can plan.

      If you have any questions about the program, just let me know. You can reply to this or email me at

      Don't wait to start get fitter, faster, and have more fun! Sign up for the Garden Ranch YMCA Tri Program today!


      --Coach Nicole