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Brian McCarrie's Comments

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At 8:47am on July 15, 2011, John Felps said…
embed would be cool
At 12:54am on June 3, 2011, Andrew Shotwell said…
Your mountain biking videos make me really want to hop on my bike! I'm kind of a beginner though but your vids gave me some ideas. Thanks!
At 11:11pm on April 27, 2011, Gerald "G Man" Romero said…

Thanks Brian for the great feedback on my page.  Its nothing real fancy but i am trying to make me  cool personal page with race results, my pics, and comments so that everyone can keep up with me during the racing season.   I am doing Cherry Creek Sneak this Sunday!!!!!



At 11:06pm on April 10, 2011, Brady Kappius said…
Great photos Brian!
At 6:44pm on March 31, 2011, Deb Spinato said…

Hi Brian,

I told my husband about the Bone Health Study at USSC. Thanks for posting that! I hope he can still get in.



At 9:23pm on March 24, 2011, Lori H said…

I am SO not good at this "social networking" thing.  Brian, can I get a good copy of the Winter Series III Gallery 5photo of IMG_0715?  Gal with dark hair, pink shirt and huge smile. I'm the Pikes Peak Road Runners newsletter editor, and I would like to put it on the cover of the next issue.  Of course, I need it ASAP--the photographer who took the photo of the same gal from OutThereCO still hasn't gotten back to me from this morning and we need to put this together. I couldn't find any other way to get to you from the photo, so I hope this works.--Lori


At 3:18pm on March 11, 2011, Sharlene said…
Thanks for the "friend" request, Brian.  Have a weekend of excellence!
At 7:38pm on February 10, 2011, Nicole Odell said…
At 8:47pm on January 15, 2011, Anthony (Tony) W. Lutack said…

Hi Brian,


As I just wrote to Tim, I can not tell you enough about how impressed I am with this site.  I just wish I would have become a member earlier on.  Great job!



At 11:01am on January 12, 2011, Allen Beauchamp said…



Thanks! I had a lot of fun playing around with different configurations of bikes/trikes/trailers and trees this year. 


Just wait till you see what I'll be doing in 2011! 


Pedal-powered fun, excitement and possibilities :-)





At 6:54pm on December 30, 2010, Ann S. said…

Thanks so much for the welcome and glad I found this group.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's adventures and pictures as well.  Hope to get a little snowshoe action going tomorrow or Sat.  Seems a good way to start the New Year....

At 8:28pm on November 8, 2010, Nick Wilson said…
It was an adventure. lol I honestly didnt feel much pain, I was more concerned with the freezing cold at the top since I only had running shorts and a t-shirt
At 9:38pm on November 7, 2010, maritsa yupa said…
Thanks for the add!
At 7:37pm on November 4, 2010, Bill Schmeister said…
Thanks Brian. I am always pushing myself, and generally find myself as my biggest competition. I have never raced, and almost entirely ride by myself, but maybe next year if I do less traveling I will actually try to do a race.
At 12:51pm on October 21, 2010, Wade Genova said…
Hey Brian..Let me know if you do decide to go. Maybe we can meet up for a long run some day..I see you did the Harvest Moon Triathlon. I almost did that one but in the end, I decided to fucus a few months just on running. I'll probably do it next year.
At 12:48pm on September 22, 2010, Cameron Chambers said…
Yeah you are thinking of the right place but then you take a hard left and then drop back down onto Lower Gold Camp. I have not lived here long but it is my understanding it is new in the past half year.
At 10:15am on September 22, 2010, Cameron Chambers said…
We went up through Red Rocks-caught the Intermann trail over to gold camp-climbed gold camp-descended zipline. climbed high drive. climbed up buckhorn. descended jacks-descended gold camp-down into bear creek-made a circuit of the trails and headed home.
At 9:49pm on September 18, 2010, Rosie Gonzalez said…
Hey Brian, great photos!!! You must be a
At 6:51pm on August 16, 2010, Lori H said…
In case I didn't answer the comment correctly, I would love to get a high resolution photo (at least 1.5mb) of the gal in the orange shirt, ponytail flying, from the Run for Rwanda Gallery 3. And I totally get where you're coming from about motivation. I HAVE to have a race and a game plan to keep me going. It sounds like you have the opportunity to do a lot--maybe you don't really have that much time available and end up not doing as much as you'd like. Scale bacK???
At 8:25am on August 16, 2010, Lori H said…
Brian, I am very interested in one of your photos for the cover of the Pikes Peak Road Runners newsletter. How do I get ahold of you?--Lori

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